Want to play a GBA hack? Here, you can play some good quality hacks… or you can make your own and submit it here!
NOTE: If you get a white screen or can't save and can't continue after Hall Of Fame, set your emulator
*VBA: go to option > emulators > save type > flash 128k.
*VBAG: go to option > game > flash > 128k.
HOW TO DOWNLOAD: Please CLICK HERE to learn how to download on tusfiles without error/blank page or EXE format. For fast download I recommend to use the latest version of UC BROWSER, DOWNLOAD HERE.
- Pokemon light platinum [full] + tutorial
- Pokemon flora sky [full] + tutorial
- Pokemon neo emerald [full]
- Pokemon liquid crystal [full: beta 3.3]
- Pokemon shiny gold [full: beta 5]
- Pokemon ash gray version [beta 4.2]
- Pokemon naranja [full]
- Pokemon sienna [beta 3.1]
- Pokemon genesis [final beta]
- Pokemon Rijon Adventures [beta 2009]
- Pokemon advanced adventure [full: final 2013]
- Pokemon adventure to empire isle [beta 0.3]
- Pokemon apollo [beta 0.3]
- Pokemon ash quest [full]
- Pokemon azure horizons [beta 2]
- Pokemon blackgranite x [full]
- Pokemon crystal dust [beta 2]
- Pokemon crazy vie [beta 1.3]
- Pokemon celestium [beta 1]
- Pokemon dark cobalt [beta 1]
- Pokemon dragonstone [alpha 1.63]
- Pokemon elite quest [beta 1]
- Pokemon eruption [beta 2.16]
- Pokemon firered omega [full]
- Pokemon firered backwards [full]
- Pokemon flame of rage [beta 1]
- Pokemon fuligin [full]
- Pokemon furious flames [beta 2.72]
- Pokemon galaxy element [alpha 0.5]
- Pokemon crono [beta 2]
- Pokemon glacier [demo]
- Pokemon heat to fate [alpha]
- Pokemon hunters of the ancient [beta 0.3]
- Pokemon hyetology [beta 1.2]
- Pokemon infernal legend [beta 2.1]
- Pokemon jupiter [beta 6.04]
- Pokemon legacy [beta 1]
- Pokemon legend of fenju [beta 1]
- Pokemon legendary ashes [beta 1.1]
- Pokemon lightred version [beta 1]
- Pokemon liquid ocean [alpha 1.2]
- Pokemon lilac [beta 1.1]
- Pokemon luria [beta 1]
- Pokemon manly pink [full]
- Pokemon mitic island [beta 1]
- Pokemon marble [beta 2.1]
- Pokemon mythic legends [beta 3.1]
- Pokemon my ass [full]
- Pokemon nature version [beta 1.1]
- Pokemon never black & white [beta 1]
- Pokemon omega [beta 1]
- Pokemon onyx blue [full: v1.0]
- Pokemon perla version [full]
- Pokemon nusantara [v0.4]
- Pokemon palladium [beta 1]
- Pokemon pink version [beta 1.1]
- Pokemon quartz [full]
- Pokemon red ruby [alpha 1.0]
- Pokemon rose [beta 1]
- Pokemon septo conquest [full: v3.1]
- Pokemon shining opal [beta 2.5]
- Pokemon shattered dreams [beta 1]
- Pokemon sinnoh quest [full: update 2]
- Pokemon skyline [beta 1.3]
- Pokemon stardrop [alpha 1]
- Pokemon super rising thunder [pre alpha]
- Pokemon thunder emblem [beta 1]
- Pokemon the tempest [beta 2]
- Pokemon topaz [full]
- Pokemon top secret [beta 1.5]
- Pokemon toxic purple [alpha 1]
- Pokemon turquoise [beta 1.2]
- Pokemon uranium [beta 3]
- Pokemon ultra violet [full: v1.22]
- Pokemon white amethyst [mini beta]
- Pokemon altair [full]
- Pokemon amatista [full]
- Pokemon blue legend [beta 1]
- Pokemon ambar [beta 1]
- Pokemon x and y [full]
- Pokemon dark cry: the legend of giratina [alpha 2.6.7]
- Pokemon digimon: operation digipedia [full]
- Pokemon fang/Pokefang red [full]
- Pokemon digimon rury(ruby) [full]
- Pokemon sovereign of the skies [beta 2]
- Pokemon light version [beta 1.01]
- Pokemon whisky brown [full: v0.1]
- Pokemon dark rising [full] + tutorial
- Pokemon normal version - Elemental Division [beta 2.5]
- Pokemon battle fire [full]
- Pokemon golden island [beta 3]
- Pokemon hollow mysteries + tutorial [full]
- Pokemon snakewood [full] + tutorial
- Pokemon dark violet [beta 2.1]
- Pokemon victory fire [full: v2.35] + tutorial
- pokemon alternate nusantara [v0.1.6] + tutorial
- pokemon chronicles of soala [full: beta 9.0]
- pokemon ruby 2012 [full]
- Pokemon glazed [full: beta 6F] + tutorial
- Pokemon Cyan [beta 2]
- pokemon gust [demo]
- pokemon mirage of tales [v2.1]
- pokemon: yet another fire red hack [full: v1.16b]
- pokemon fire red: generations [full: beta 1.4]
- pokemon fire red 251+ [full: v4.0]
- pokemon emerald omega [full]
- pokemon firered nostalgia [full]
- pokemon: touhoumon world link [full: v1.42]
- pokemon: touhoumon another world [full: v1.51]
- pokemon: touhoumon marisa's magic world [full: v1.30]
- pokemon firered nds style [pre-alpha 2]
- pokemon magma ruby 202 [full]
- pokemon harvestcraft [alpha]
- pokemon light rising [beta 1.1]
- pokemon touhou puppet play [full: v1.182]
- pokemon zandite [alpha 1]
- pokemon yellow advance [alpha 1]
- pokemon pure pink [full: beta 2]
- pokemon arcoiris [full]
- pokemon crystal shard [beta 1]
- pokemon dark blue [beta 1]
- pokemon heroes [full: beta 1]
- pokemon sirius [full]
- pokemon golden sun [full]
- pokemon iris [full: beta 1]
- pokemon reversal of illusion [full: beta 4.5]
- pokemon alpha [full]
- pokemon akaix [full]
- pokemon old white [full: v1.2]
- pokemon pycron [full]
- pokemon sweet [beta]
- pokemon shadow specter [full: v4.5]
- pokemon volcano [full]
- pokemon shiny jewel [alpha 2.01]
- pokemon adventure yellow [alpha 2.1]
- pokemon galacta [full]
- pokemon youtube [beta 1]
- pokemon sinnoh legacy [beta 1.5]
- Pokemon dark rising 2 [full]
- pokemon adventure: yellow chapter [beta 1]
- pokemon adventure: green chapter [beta 3]
- pokemon expert emerald [full: beta 1.42]
- pokemon adventure: blue chapter [beta 1.1]
- pokemon ruby destiny - broken timeline [beta 1 v1.2]
- Pokemon ruby destiny - rescue rangers [full: 2014 v1] + tutorial
- Pokemon ruby destiny - life of guardians [full: 2014 v1] + tutorial
- Pokemon ruby destiny - reign of legend [full: 2014 v3] + tutorial
- Pokemon adventure: red chapter [beta 9.1]
- pokemon fluorite [beta 2.5]
- pokemon gaia [beta 1.1]
- pokemon kelayapan [full]
- Pokemon resolute [full: v1.17] + tutorial
- pokemon super mega emerald [full: v1]
- pokemon spirit emerald [full: beta 1.4]
- pokemon chaos black [full: v3.0]
- pokemon cursed [full: v1.1]
- pokemon fire red evolution [full: v0.95]
- pokemon iridescent [full: v1.4.1]
- pokemon johto league showdown [alpha 1.3]
- pokemon order destroyed [full]
- Pokemon Crush [beta 2]
- pokemon mega ruby [full]
- pokemon derpizard [full: v1.2]
- pokemon season of christmas 2014 [full]
- pokemon garuda [alpha 4]
- pokemon platinum red [alpha 1.21]
- pokemon: megaman BN 7 lost dimension [beta 1]
- pokemon mega power [beta 2]
- pokemon distortion black [demo]
- pokemon old ruby [full: v1.3]
- pokemon: moemon emerald [full]
- pokemon platinum origins [alpha 1]
- pokemon ruby renev [beta 5.7]
- Pokemon black dark [beta 4]
- pokemon rudiculous ruby [full: v1]
- pokemon elegant emerald [full: v1.3]
- pokemon blackened night [alpha 1.1]
- pokemon ruby generation discovery [full: beta 2]
- pokemon the wooper saved christmas [full: beta 1]
- pokemon valentine edition [full: v1.1]
- pokemon OA emerald [full] New!
- pokemon discovery [beta 1] New!
Last update: 28 Feb 2015
NOTE: If you get a white screen or can't save and can't continue after Hall Of Fame, set your emulator
*VBA: go to option > emulators > save type > flash 128k.
*VBAG: go to option > game > flash > 128k.
HOW TO DOWNLOAD: Please CLICK HERE to learn how to download on tusfiles without error/blank page or EXE format. For fast download I recommend to use the latest version of UC BROWSER, DOWNLOAD HERE.
- Pokemon light platinum [full] + tutorial
- Pokemon flora sky [full] + tutorial
- Pokemon neo emerald [full]
- Pokemon liquid crystal [full: beta 3.3]
- Pokemon shiny gold [full: beta 5]
- Pokemon ash gray version [beta 4.2]
- Pokemon naranja [full]
- Pokemon sienna [beta 3.1]
- Pokemon genesis [final beta]
- Pokemon Rijon Adventures [beta 2009]
- Pokemon advanced adventure [full: final 2013]
- Pokemon adventure to empire isle [beta 0.3]
- Pokemon apollo [beta 0.3]
- Pokemon ash quest [full]
- Pokemon azure horizons [beta 2]
- Pokemon blackgranite x [full]
- Pokemon crystal dust [beta 2]
- Pokemon crazy vie [beta 1.3]
- Pokemon celestium [beta 1]
- Pokemon dark cobalt [beta 1]
- Pokemon dragonstone [alpha 1.63]
- Pokemon elite quest [beta 1]
- Pokemon eruption [beta 2.16]
- Pokemon firered omega [full]
- Pokemon firered backwards [full]
- Pokemon flame of rage [beta 1]
- Pokemon fuligin [full]
- Pokemon furious flames [beta 2.72]
- Pokemon galaxy element [alpha 0.5]
- Pokemon crono [beta 2]
- Pokemon glacier [demo]
- Pokemon heat to fate [alpha]
- Pokemon hunters of the ancient [beta 0.3]
- Pokemon hyetology [beta 1.2]
- Pokemon infernal legend [beta 2.1]
- Pokemon jupiter [beta 6.04]
- Pokemon legacy [beta 1]
- Pokemon legend of fenju [beta 1]
- Pokemon legendary ashes [beta 1.1]
- Pokemon lightred version [beta 1]
- Pokemon liquid ocean [alpha 1.2]
- Pokemon lilac [beta 1.1]
- Pokemon luria [beta 1]
- Pokemon manly pink [full]
- Pokemon mitic island [beta 1]
- Pokemon marble [beta 2.1]
- Pokemon mythic legends [beta 3.1]
- Pokemon my ass [full]
- Pokemon nature version [beta 1.1]
- Pokemon never black & white [beta 1]
- Pokemon omega [beta 1]
- Pokemon onyx blue [full: v1.0]
- Pokemon perla version [full]
- Pokemon nusantara [v0.4]
- Pokemon palladium [beta 1]
- Pokemon pink version [beta 1.1]
- Pokemon quartz [full]
- Pokemon red ruby [alpha 1.0]
- Pokemon rose [beta 1]
- Pokemon septo conquest [full: v3.1]
- Pokemon shining opal [beta 2.5]
- Pokemon shattered dreams [beta 1]
- Pokemon sinnoh quest [full: update 2]
- Pokemon skyline [beta 1.3]
- Pokemon stardrop [alpha 1]
- Pokemon super rising thunder [pre alpha]
- Pokemon thunder emblem [beta 1]
- Pokemon the tempest [beta 2]
- Pokemon topaz [full]
- Pokemon top secret [beta 1.5]
- Pokemon toxic purple [alpha 1]
- Pokemon turquoise [beta 1.2]
- Pokemon uranium [beta 3]
- Pokemon ultra violet [full: v1.22]
- Pokemon white amethyst [mini beta]
- Pokemon altair [full]
- Pokemon amatista [full]
- Pokemon blue legend [beta 1]
- Pokemon ambar [beta 1]
- Pokemon x and y [full]
- Pokemon dark cry: the legend of giratina [alpha 2.6.7]
- Pokemon digimon: operation digipedia [full]
- Pokemon fang/Pokefang red [full]
- Pokemon digimon rury(ruby) [full]
- Pokemon sovereign of the skies [beta 2]
- Pokemon light version [beta 1.01]
- Pokemon whisky brown [full: v0.1]
- Pokemon dark rising [full] + tutorial
- Pokemon normal version - Elemental Division [beta 2.5]
- Pokemon battle fire [full]
- Pokemon golden island [beta 3]
- Pokemon hollow mysteries + tutorial [full]
- Pokemon snakewood [full] + tutorial
- Pokemon dark violet [beta 2.1]
- Pokemon victory fire [full: v2.35] + tutorial
- pokemon alternate nusantara [v0.1.6] + tutorial
- pokemon chronicles of soala [full: beta 9.0]
- pokemon ruby 2012 [full]
- Pokemon glazed [full: beta 6F] + tutorial
- Pokemon Cyan [beta 2]
- pokemon gust [demo]
- pokemon mirage of tales [v2.1]
- pokemon: yet another fire red hack [full: v1.16b]
- pokemon fire red: generations [full: beta 1.4]
- pokemon fire red 251+ [full: v4.0]
- pokemon emerald omega [full]
- pokemon firered nostalgia [full]
- pokemon: touhoumon world link [full: v1.42]
- pokemon: touhoumon another world [full: v1.51]
- pokemon: touhoumon marisa's magic world [full: v1.30]
- pokemon firered nds style [pre-alpha 2]
- pokemon magma ruby 202 [full]
- pokemon harvestcraft [alpha]
- pokemon light rising [beta 1.1]
- pokemon touhou puppet play [full: v1.182]
- pokemon zandite [alpha 1]
- pokemon yellow advance [alpha 1]
- pokemon pure pink [full: beta 2]
- pokemon arcoiris [full]
- pokemon crystal shard [beta 1]
- pokemon dark blue [beta 1]
- pokemon heroes [full: beta 1]
- pokemon sirius [full]
- pokemon golden sun [full]
- pokemon iris [full: beta 1]
- pokemon reversal of illusion [full: beta 4.5]
- pokemon alpha [full]
- pokemon akaix [full]
- pokemon old white [full: v1.2]
- pokemon pycron [full]
- pokemon sweet [beta]
- pokemon shadow specter [full: v4.5]
- pokemon volcano [full]
- pokemon shiny jewel [alpha 2.01]
- pokemon adventure yellow [alpha 2.1]
- pokemon galacta [full]
- pokemon youtube [beta 1]
- pokemon sinnoh legacy [beta 1.5]
- Pokemon dark rising 2 [full]
- pokemon adventure: yellow chapter [beta 1]
- pokemon adventure: green chapter [beta 3]
- pokemon expert emerald [full: beta 1.42]
- pokemon adventure: blue chapter [beta 1.1]
- pokemon ruby destiny - broken timeline [beta 1 v1.2]
- Pokemon ruby destiny - rescue rangers [full: 2014 v1] + tutorial
- Pokemon ruby destiny - life of guardians [full: 2014 v1] + tutorial
- Pokemon ruby destiny - reign of legend [full: 2014 v3] + tutorial
- Pokemon adventure: red chapter [beta 9.1]
- pokemon fluorite [beta 2.5]
- pokemon gaia [beta 1.1]
- pokemon kelayapan [full]
- Pokemon resolute [full: v1.17] + tutorial
- pokemon super mega emerald [full: v1]
- pokemon spirit emerald [full: beta 1.4]
- pokemon chaos black [full: v3.0]
- pokemon cursed [full: v1.1]
- pokemon fire red evolution [full: v0.95]
- pokemon iridescent [full: v1.4.1]
- pokemon johto league showdown [alpha 1.3]
- pokemon order destroyed [full]
- Pokemon Crush [beta 2]
- pokemon mega ruby [full]
- pokemon derpizard [full: v1.2]
- pokemon season of christmas 2014 [full]
- pokemon garuda [alpha 4]
- pokemon platinum red [alpha 1.21]
- pokemon: megaman BN 7 lost dimension [beta 1]
- pokemon mega power [beta 2]
- pokemon distortion black [demo]
- pokemon old ruby [full: v1.3]
- pokemon: moemon emerald [full]
- pokemon platinum origins [alpha 1]
- pokemon ruby renev [beta 5.7]
- Pokemon black dark [beta 4]
- pokemon rudiculous ruby [full: v1]
- pokemon elegant emerald [full: v1.3]
- pokemon blackened night [alpha 1.1]
- pokemon ruby generation discovery [full: beta 2]
- pokemon the wooper saved christmas [full: beta 1]
- pokemon valentine edition [full: v1.1]
- pokemon OA emerald [full] New!
- pokemon discovery [beta 1] New!
Last update: 28 Feb 2015